Marshalltown 838 36in. Magnesium Asphalt Lute - Jim & Slims Tool Supply

Marshalltown 838 36in. Magnesium Asphalt Lute

SKU: MAT-838

List Price $88.27
Your Price $64.73
  You Save $23.54
Marsahlltown's #838 36 Inch Magnesium Asphalt Lute's lightweight T-section blade has blunt teeth which are designed to allow material to pass through without catching. Rugged formed steel pole connector prevents breakage and ensures rigidity. Handle (#839) sold separately.
  • F1Lightweight T section blade has blunt teeth which are designed to allow material to pass through without catching
  • F2Rugged formed steel pole connector prevents breakage and ensures rigidity
  • F3Handle sold separately
  • Also Known As:ASPHALT LUTE
  • UPC35965064385
  • MPN16438

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