Klein - D2000-7CST - Ironworker's Pliers - Heavy-Duty Cutting - Jim & Slims Tool Supply

Klein D2000-7CST Ironworker's Rebar Pliers


Your Price $75.98
Twists and snips soft annealed rebar tie wire and cuts ACSR, screws, nails and most hardened wire. The knurled jaws aid in easy twisting and turning. Hook-bend in the handle provides added grip and leverage. Unique handle tempering helps absorb the in.snapin. when cutting wire.
  • F1Twists and cuts soft annealed rebar tie wire
  • F2Cuts ACSR, screws, nails and most hardened wire
  • F3Spring-loaded action for self-opening
  • F4Induction hardened cutting knives for long life
  • Also Known As:Ironworker's Pliers Heavy Duty Cutting, D20007CST, KLE-D2000 7CST
  • UPC92644703782
  • MPND2000-7CST

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