Champion X1-XL5LH 5 Piece Combo Dill Bit and Screw Extractor Set - Jim & Slims Tool Supply

Champion X1-XL5LH 5 Piece Combo Dill Bit and Screw Extractor Set


List Price $144.76
Your Price $104.35
  You Save $40.41

Left hand drill & screw extractor set sizes include: XL5LH 5/64, 7/64, 5/32, 1/4, 19/64 and screw extractors No. 1 - 5.

  • F1XL5LH designed for use in left hand rotation multiple spindle, gear driven drilling heads, screw machine operations, lathes and any machinery with a left hand rotation
  • F2Left hand drills are commonly used for drilling out broken or frozen bolts
  • F3Portable drilling of stainless steel, titanium alloys and other hard to drill materials
  • F4X1 Screw extractor left hand, spiral flute
  • Also Known As:X1-XL5LH, Left Hand Drill & Screw Extractor Set, Left hand drill, Screw Extractor, XL5LH, X1
  • Pack of:1
  • shipping_label8.99
  • UPC8.46E+11

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